Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Tilt 0-1 Me. (notice I'm playing away)

Well this is a new era for me. I haven't tilted once, even when dropping 5 BI in my last two pretty filthy sessions. I had got up to +10BI a few days ago which was pretty nice, until I started getting killed somewhat. 4 tables + tracker = win.

Played a few tourns today with no results, a min cash in a 4.40 180 man. This means my roll is now pretty much directly proportional to my cash graph + $10. At this rate I'll easily be hitting the unchartered territory of silver star + VIP bonus by the end of the month. Think I've put more volume in this week than the entirety of last year.

Right, off to watch Italy put in what will most likely be a dire performance against Cameroon.


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