Sunday 18 January 2009

I wish people had testicles

Morning all. just got back from a fantastic night out with my housemates, but yet again a I was
in the middle of an ALMOST fight. Despite the fact that everyone knows im a very un PC straight talking bloke who really doesn't gove a shit about the vast majority of things, I find myself annoyed once again at the cowardice of a select few.

On a night out, I enjoy myself, I have plenty to drink, I have a good chat with randomers I dont even know, but there are always a certain few who believe themselves to be in someway superior to me and my friends and cause some sort of controversy, be it verbal or physical. Today it was (slightly) physical. A simple egg thrown by a group of 20+ year old pissed RAH students who hit my friend turned into a minor confrontation which turned out, for the fourth time in a row, to be simply a case of hit and run, or more accurately hit and shit themselves once we actually stand up to them.

I grabbed the cunt by the jaw, threw him backwards and then the fucker ran off like a small girl. Pathetic.

I am genuinely fed up of people who look for trouble, commit some sort of gesture of war, and then run away like cowards as soon as I confront them. It is totally unneccessary. I would actually prefer someone who talks shit to actually destroy me completely as opposed to some skinny chav/gilet waring southern RAH who talks a good game yet fails epicly to follow up on such 'threats'.

Tom would like to add that 'people are cunts'. Judging by tonight then fair enough. He has almost passed out. Despite my previous hammered posts I am surprisingly sober and coherent :D, but biblically angry that almost every night has to end in a warzone. Meh, What can you do.

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