Saturday 25 October 2008

i am a totally shit player!

Mmorning kids, have realised i am a crappy player. Lol omg italics where the fuck did that come from. Yes anyways I am drunk again.

Well then week 2 of the poker soc. Came 4th this time. Lucked out on Isaac with runner runner full house after he had AA. Then i had AA vs QQ. heldf up. Then I beat KJ with Q8, then had KK vs JJ. how lucky am I. Got cunted on the final table tho. Was set for back to back win after cunt open shoved 17k 1010 UTG into my AA and hit a melon on the flop. LOLLLLO i so deserved that. Yeah thats about it. I suck so badly its untrue I have no idea how Im up like $1.5 k coz im actually shiiiiiit lol. Me and lass then went out and got battered. Then somehow we found ourselves at pauls at about 2 am. He was playing heads up- the geek!!!!!!!!!! I then attacked calum while he was in bed but I think I lost I cant remember. Then I attacked Scott. I might have won that (I cant remember again). What else happended hahaaaa so canrt spelllll. I want to win this league thing but I also want to go out early and play cash games with Hannes coz h.s always there roflbiscuits.

Thats about it I thinik....yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and Juve beat torino hoew ace is that. Come to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mr bracelet I want to actually win something.

P.S Gambon is a very large salmon and lassey is passed out on the loanding LOL. I am going to watch starship troopers again coz its actually fit. Seeeeeeeeeeeeee yall laater cazzzzzzoni xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx haaaaaaaaaaaaa that is such a long line of X's. 73.98% of them are for Paul


isaac said...

best post ever imo

147_star said...

That post is so sick!!

And weirdly enough, my word verification word to make sure I'm not a bot is "dining", so after you and many others call me a fat cunt I guess it's about time i started to listen!


147_star said...

Fuck my life, next word verification is scule as in mini"scule"...wankers!!

147_star said...

ffs "pulamen" this time...guess i'm a small, fat gay!

Riga_T said...

lol Paul that is so not a coincidence! Apologise to Calum and others! :-D Lool I am such a dick head! :-) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Truthans said...

Absolutely loving this post. Remarkably that there are only so very few spelling mistakes although you seemed to be red arsed like hell. Loads of practice I guess.